Determining for the first time forces between anti-protons using their correlation functions taken a
Introductions Hot QCD and selected results Future plans Summary RHIC:History of the Universe Relativistic Heavy Ion Coll......
应用多源热模型研究了相对论性重离子对撞机(RHIC)上PHENIX合作组测得的每核子对质心能量√s NN=200 GeV的氘-金(d+Au)碰撞中快度......
Nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC produce high temperature and high energy density matter which exhibits partonic degre......
The zero degree calorimeter(ZDC) at RHICSTAR was installed in the year 2000.After running for more than 10 years,the per......
A prototype of multi-gap resistive plate chamber (MRPC) modules with 6 gas gaps of 220 μm used for the time-of-flight (......
Search for the QCD critical point with fluctuations of conserved quantities in relativistic heavy-io
保存数量的变化例如 baryon,电的费用,和奇妙数字,是在相对论的重离子的碰撞的敏感 observables 为 QCD 批评的点探查 QCD 阶段转变和......
The exotic strange dibaryon particle (ΩΩ)0+ with S = -6 can be produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The yiel......
<正> We give a brief introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence and its application to QCD physics,especiallyits applica......
我们在 chiral 上学习 chiral 阶段转变的影响磁性的效果。温度的功能是计算的方位角的费用粒子关联。当温度为 QCD 阶段转变到达......
Using the Glauber model, we present the formulas for calculating the numbers of participants, spectators and binary nucl......
Strange particle production in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions in the RHIC BES energy region
The parton and hadron cascade model PACIAE is used to investigate strange particle production in Au + Au collisions at s......
Within the framework of a multiphase transport model, we study the production and properties of ? andφ in Au + Au colli......
Significant enhancements of J/ψ production at very low transverse momenta were recently observed by the ALICE and STAR ......
借助于原子 parton,分发仅仅与雷普顿学习了深无弹性的散布试验性的数据, J/ 正常原子吸收“并且精力损失效果在 HERA 和 RHIC 精力......